Thursday, May 25, 2017

I am me

Someone special asked me today what my mid-life crisis was. We automatically think of something that went wrong in out lives; after all, this is the moment when marriages fail, lives are irreversibly altered, and we take our brave leap into an alien universe, retaining minimal "normal" character traits.

Immediately leaped to mind my journey through Mexico with my children, husband. 2 boats and an ancient motorhome in 2005. What on earth was I thinking, many ask? Wasn't it dangerous, they say? Bad parent - what about your children?

Yes, Yes, and YES!!

What is life without risk? What have you experienced? What experiences formed you? How do you use that skillset to help others? I am unafraid, I am a traveler, a problem-solver, an ambassador, I get along with all people, I am interested in the human form in their environment.


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